Virtual RFID Like Box
A revolutionary product from the masters of RFID! Our VirtualRFID LIKE BOX works as a virtual “Like” marker for user’s Facebook profile

How It Works?
The user will be given an RFID enabled card, which can be swiped next to the Interaction Box. Any user who has successully linked his card can swipe it and the preset “Like message gest posted on the user’s Facebook profile in real time, In this way, whenever the users “Like” something, they can simply swipe the card. The “liked content can also be administered online and the users can actually see the number of people who liked the content.
Virtual RFID Photo Box
Share real time pictures with online friends with this swanky product!
The VirtualRFID PHOTO BOX works as a real time picture sharing tool with the Facebook friends.

How does It work?
Using the same cutting-edge RFID technology, users can upload the images on their Facebook Wall instantly by swiping the card. They can share their experiences at your event and spread the message across for wider global coverage of your product/service. Our PHOTO BOX is a customizable product giving you wider options with multiple backgrounds and a unique feature that enables you to make competitions within different social media channels. We are open to all kinds of suggestions to make PHOTO BOX customized to your preferences.
Virtual RFID Tags
RFID Tags for Social Media Applications Virtual RFID offers a full range of 13.56 MHz Passive RFID wristbands, RFID bracelets and other unique from factor RFID tags that are available in a variety of colours and styles with or without your branding. Custom tag design and manufacturing to meet your exact requirements is also available.
Virtual RFID Connect Box
Exchange contact information with Linkedin friends on the go with this innovative product!
How does It work?
VirtualRFID CONNECT BOX works as a virtual visiting-card exchanger to remain connected with your Linkedin friends wherever you are.
When the prospective users register to visit your event, all you need to do is inform them about the VirtualRFID Visitor Pass, what they can do using this card, and how to activate it. While they visit the event, simply hand them your branded VirtualRFID Enhanced Card containing customized information about your business, By swapping this card next to the Virtual RFID CONNECT BOX, the current contact information is shared among two people through their registered emails. Alternatively, they may opt for posting a new connection on Linkedin.
Virtual RFID YouTube, Filckr, Picasa Box
Share Images and Videos instantly on popular sites with this futuristic product.
Virtual RFID YOUTUBE, FLICKR, PICASA BOX is your pass to share videos and photos online as it captures them in the real world.
How does It work?
Expanding the horizons of the state-of-the-art RFID technology, VirtualRFID YOUTUBE, FLICKR, PICASA BOX is used in the same way as our other product to upload the videos and pictures on different multimedia sharing platforms, like YouTube, Flickr, and Picasa, as soon as they are captured in your event.
Make your real world friends your online friends with this intuitive product!
VirtualRFID LINKEDIN BOX is your all-in-one offline LinkedIn buddy that helps you stay connected with your actual-world friends in the online world.
How does It work?
RFID technology is used in the pre-programmed VirtualRFID cards to help the visitors in your events share the contact information and connect with the people they meet in the real world on the Linkedln Network. All this is accomplished using the swipe technology